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Beneficial Insects

We share our gardens with hundreds of wonderful beneficial insects. Not only do many of them look beautiful but they control pest populations, so your garden can be a safe haven for plants. By encouraging more beneficial insects, such as ladybirds, butterflies, beetles, spiders, moths, dragonflies, bumblebees and lacewings into your garden, you will reduce the need to use artificial pesticides, which can also kill beneficial insects as well as pests.

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Benefical Insect Habitat
Beneficial Insect Habitat
Swarm Bug Hotel
Swarm Bug Hotel
Sting Tall Bug Hotel
Sting Tall Bug Hotel
Insect Study Centre
Insect Conservation Centre
Butterfly Habitat & House
Butterfly Barn
Bug & Bee Barn
Bee Barn
Butterfly Food
Butterfly Food
Ladybird Food and Attractant
Ladybird Food Attractant

As well as eating garden pests like aphids, mosquitoes, greenfly and gnats, many insects help to pollinate plants and without them, these plants would be unable to reproduce. Three quarters of the crops we grow depend on and rely on pollination from insects like bees.

Many other species rely on plants pollinated by insects, so this has a huge knock-on effect on the whole food chain. By encouraging beneficial insects into your garden, you can create a balanced environment, where there are predators and prey for them to feed on.

How can you encourage beneficial insects into your garden?

Beneficial insects like damp and undisturbed spaces to shelter in winter and hide during the summer months. This is why they often take up residence in small piles of logs or stones. We offer a number of products designed specifically for these insects. These include:

  • Dewdrop Butterfly & Moth Habitat
  • Ladybird Lovers Pack
  • Butterfly Feeder Pack
  • Insect Nest Box
  • Butterfly Complete Biome
  • Ladybird/Beneficial Insect Tower with Pole
  • Butterfly Nectar Feeding Station
  • Butterfly Food
  • Ladybird Attractant
  • Mini Beast Bumblebee Nest Box

Planting a wide variety of plants and flowers, including wildflowers in your garden, will also provide food for bees and other pollinators. Also provide water sources for insects because they will need water as much as they need food. Read our blog about spring airborne insects.

We can help, talk to us

If you are looking for the best way to attract more beneficial insects into your garden, talk to us. We can be reached on freephone: 0800 085 4865.