We are passionate about garden wildlife and are highly respected throughout the industry. We provide carefully selected natural food and products that benefit the wildlife as well as the customer.

We aim to combine our convenient online mail order website with the caring, helpful approach of a specialised shop via the enthusiasm of our committed workforce and the knowledge and drive from our Managing Director.

We aim to be an environmentally friendly Company and it is our intention to promote a policy that is focused on being green aware. A culture will be fostered within the Company that ensures all employees understand they can make a significant contribution towards this.
The Company’s policy is to comply or exceed the requirements of environmental legislation and regulation.


The specifics of the Company environmental policy are as follows:

  • We will review and explore measures for the reduction of volumes of all waste materials generated by the Company
  • We will explore opportunities for recycling all possible waste materials. Our aim will be to recycle any waste material that can be recycled
  • We will aim to reduce levels of energy consumption. We will introduce working practices that requires equipment such as computers, screens, lights, phones, chargers, photocopiers and printers to be “switched off” where possible. We will also ensure that heating, lighting and ventilation are used efficiently and effectively
  • We will explore, and implement where possible, energy saving measures such as labelling switches to avoid lights and other appliances being left on when not in use. Monitoring timings and temperatures of the Company’s heating and cooling systems to see if any energy saving adjustments can be made, checking the energy efficiency of appliances such as fridges and replacing these where necessary
  • We will aim to purchase and use energy efficient products, such as energy saving light bulbs, where possible and appropriate
  • We will review, and improve where appropriate, the insulation and draught-proofing of its facilities
  • We will explore whether environmentally friendly products can be purchased when buying any equipment for use within the Company
  • We will aim to reduce levels of pollution emissions wherever possible
  • We will use technology to reduce the need to travel and encourage staff to use public transport or electric vehicles, where travel is unavoidable
  • We will ensure that all employees are made aware and have access to a copy of this environmental policy. We will regularly review the policy to ensure that we are a green aware and environmentally friendly Company.

Environment Policy

Our aim is to manage and reduce our range of products that impact or are harmful to the environment. We will recycle and reuse refurbished or recycled products and materials to reduce waste and use economically suitable alternatives where possible.

Our Product Standards

Our wide range of wildlife products are designed to a high standard and to suit individual environments. We comply with EU regulations for sourcing sustainable timber and plant material for any products that use those mediums. Our products will use environmentally friendly recycled high-density plastic and FSC certified cardboard where possible.

Our Packaging

Packaging plays a critical role in the customer delivery experience, and we are committed to delivering products safely and sustainable. We assess our packaging requirements closely to ensure we strike the right balance between sustainability and durability especially during transit to our customers. We recycle our used cardboard by converting it into shredded packing material for use in despatch of orders.

We continuously look for new developments in the packaging industry for more sustainable options to enable us to make better ecological decisions. The subject is complex, so to help us decide which material may be more sustainable for the future than those we already use, we focus on innovative information from the industry, our suppliers, external experts and partners. We incorporate carbon footprint, bio-based and naturally grown ingredients into our decision-making process.

Carbon Footprint and the Future

To minimise the negative impact and to protect our environment we continuously look at new innovative packaging developments from within the industry, external experts, our suppliers and green partners. All decisions that are implemented will support a more sustainable bio-based and naturally grown ingredients within our carbon footprint and will help protect the environment and reduce pollution.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Environmental Policy - Equality & Diversity Policy - Modern Slavery Statement - Sustainability Actions