These beautiful birds do not migrate south for the colder months, leaving them at the mercy of the icy British winter – and with safe, warm habitats in increasingly short supply on our shores, it’s more important than ever to do what you can to protect robins.
So how can you look after robins in your garden? Putting up suitable robin nest boxes is a good start, and having plenty of shrubs for them to shelter in makes a big difference too. Thankfully, after the loss of over 100,000 miles of hedgerows between the 1950s and the 1990s, laws are now in place to preserve existing, and create new hedgerows benefitting not only robins but an abundance of other wildlife.
But feeding robins is also one of the best things you can do – supplementing their diet to add to what they can forage from the ground themselves and ensuring they get the nutrients they need. They are omnivores so will eat a wide range of food, giving you plenty of options when it comes to feeding them. Robins can lose up to 10% of their body weight just staying warm on a single winter’s night, so making sure its fat reserves are sufficiently topped up really can save a robin’s life.

How to feed robins in the garden
In most cases you can just place the right food on a small dish in your garden and watch robins make your little patch of land their home – you might be surprised by how many visit! However, there are ways that you can make feeding areas more accessible and secure. Ground bird feeders and adjustable bird feeders are the best feeders for robins for easy access, and bird tables can also be useful offering feeding sites safer from cats and other predators.
What do robins eat?
Robins eat a wide variety of food, including worms, insects, seeds, nuts and fruit depending upon the time of year. As winter nears, they tend to focus more on fatty and nutrient-rich food such as worms and insects.Â

What fruit do robins eat?
Robins enjoy eating various small fruits that they find on garden trees and bushes. Berries such as sloes, hawthorne and holly are particular favourites of robins – along with other tree fruits including cherries and grapes from vines.
What do robins eat in winter?
Heading toward winter, robins tend to eat as many insects – especially beetles and earthworms – as they can, in order to store up nutrients for the cold weather. Once the soil becomes more solid, earthworms stay underground and most insects are in hibernation. There are many ways you can help them to supplement this diet.
What should you feed robins in winter?
- Mealworms
- Calcium worms
- Suet pellets
- Fat balls (such as our premium bird fat balls)
- Fruits
- Berries
Our Winter Warmer Mix can help robins and other birds to get everything they need to keep their energy up. Suet Pellets are particularly useful for robins at this time of year because they can help keep reserves topped up.
What do robins eat in summer?
In many ways a robin’s diet is the same all year round. In the summer, however, they may be less focused on the kinds of foods that will keep them warm during the colder weather – so berries and other fruits as well as sunflower seeds and other seeds are often on the menu.
Leaving fat balls out in warmer weather can cause them to go bad more quickly, so it’s important to keep a close eye on what you put out during the summer. In addition, your garden is likely to be at its busiest during the warmer months – so making sure the robins and their food are protected from other creatures is especially important.

What do robins eat in spring?
Mealworms are an excellent source of protein at any time of year but vitally important when breeding starts providing high energy for this busy period. The types of foods you can put out for robins include:
- MealwormsÂ
- Ark Robin Friendly Premium
- Dried fruit
- Mild cheeses
- Peanuts (either shredded or crushed)
These will be a welcome sight for robins in your garden any time of year!
What do robins eat in autumn?
As the colder months approach, you should turn your focus when feeding robins to the kinds of foods they’ll need during the winter. The sooner they can start stocking up on fats and mealworms, the better, so at this time of year you should get a good supply in and make sure there is food in your garden every day – a robin’s health can change drastically from one day to the next.