Raw Nuts

It can be wonderful to look out of the window and watch the wildlife in our garden go about their daily activities. Nuts are an excellent source of fat and protein to keep your garden wildlife such as badgers, grey and red squirrels and garden birds healthy.

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Hazelnuts in shells are high in calories and will provide your garden wildlife with plenty of energy for their daily activities. They are also packed with vitamins and minerals, which are an essential part of their diets.

A variety of raw nuts for all your garden wildlife 

Our raw nuts include: 

Different creatures will have individual preferences, depending on what nuts are available to them – but all your birds and squirrels will love to sample them. Red and grey squirrels will love gnawing at the outer shells of walnuts and monkey nuts. Peanuts in their shell are also popular with tits, woodpeckers and nuthatches.

String some raw nuts together and hang them from a tree to create a game for your birds, to see if they can get inside the shells. You can also add them to a bird table or squirrel feeder. Nuts are easy to store and stay fresh for a long time. They will be especially welcome during the colder winter months, as well as breeding season, when natural foods are harder to come by.  

Please note that feeding squirrels too many peanuts can leave them with calcium and vitamin deficiencies, so offering a range of raw nuts will provide a healthier alternative. Raw nuts are especially good for squirrels who need to gnaw at the shells to reveal the ‘goodies’ inside, which helps keep their teeth healthy with natural wearing down. Read more on our blog about red squirrels in the UK

Wild birds and other garden wildlife need water as much as food for drinking and bathing. We always recommend putting fresh clean water out every day of the year.

We can help, talk to us

We love our birds and we know you do too, which is why we want to make it easy for you to find what you need. If you have any questions or queries, please call freephone 0800 085 4865 to talk to our helpful team.

Nuts are high in calories and will provide your garden wildlife with plenty of energy for their daily activities. They are also packed with vitamins and minerals, which are an essential part of their diets.